
If it lives online, it’s built within your CMS or with custom code, then chances are we’re familiar with it. Our developers help you get from Point A to Point B in the most efficient way possible.


From the smallest display ad to the largest digital signage, we know the creative and we’ve seen the Smartsheet. The Aquent Studios Advertising team has been working with VMware since 2017 and shows no signs of slowing down.


Let’s be honest–collateral is not the brightest color in the brand palette, but it is foundational. Our team eats datasheets for brunch, and we’ll even suggest a side of template fix while we’re at it.


When your B.O.M. is not THE bomb, we’ll make both heads and tails of it so your event isn’t a dud. Let Aquent Studios help you create the assets you need, when you need them. If we think something is missing? We’ll let you know.

Animation and Video

We’ve seen it a thousand times–a video without a bumper. Never again–our team makes sure your videos are bumpered, your socials are captioned and your animations are animated.

Everything Else

Infographics, icons, illustrations, voice over, email, Wordpress, Drupal, Excel, copywriting, photo retouching, UX... shall we continue?